This course is by invitation only for Choose Again practitioners who wish to deepen their understanding of the Choose Again Six Steps to Freedom so that they can become competent and skilled circle facilitators, workshop assistants and possibly also staff at El Cielo in Costa Rica. 

Course Curriculum

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    Recordings of Mentoring Sessions

    • Session One - Introduction and purpose (October 6, 2021)

    • Session Two - Psychotherapy (October 20, 2021)

    • Session Three - Psychotherapy II (November 3, 2021)

    • Session Four - True empathy (November 17, 2021)

    • Session Five - True Empathy II (December 1, 2021)

    • Session Six - Setting the Goal (December 15, 2021)

    • Session Six - Part Two (role-playing)

    • Session Seven - Silence and Listening (January 5th, 2022)

    • Session Eight - ACIM Cornerstones (January 19th, 2022)

    • Final session with Diederik

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    In Class Reflection Questions

    • Session One - Oct 6

    • Session Two - Oct 20

    • Session Three - Nov 3

    • Session Four - Nov 17

    • Session Six - Dec 15

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    • Session One - October 6th

    • Session Two - October 20th

    • Session Three - November 3rd

    • Session Four - November 17

    • Session Five - Dec 1st

    • Session Six - December 15th

    • Session Seven - January 5

    • Session Eight - circle scenarios quiz

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    • ACIM psychotherapy

    • Commentaries on ACIM 'Psychotherapy' section

    • Jean Klein (True Empathy)

    • True Empathy (ACIM)

    • Setting the Goal (ACIM)

    • Be the Lighthouse

    • What's Awkward About Silence?

    • The role of words in healing

    • How Is Correction Made? ACIM

    • My brother committed suicide

    • Should Healing be Repeated? ACIM

    • Commentaries on Psychotherapy ACIM by Group

    • ACIM Cornerstones (Vacuum Book)

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    • A healed mind does not plan

    • Something good must come from every meeting of patient and therapist

    • Circle of Fear (Oct 20)

    • Listen

    • True Empathy guided meditation

    • Your responsibility (Dec 1)

    • Setting the Goal - meditation on circle facilitation

    • The True Teacher

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    Interviews with Diederik and team meeting videos

    • Team meeting with Diederik Aug 2021

    • Team Meeting March 2022

    • Guided Six-Step Process (client's voice has been changed)

    • Gadi and Diederik in Conversation Part One (43 mins)

    • Gadi and Diederik in conversation Part Two (36 mins)

    • Components of a Great Circle

    • More circle tips from Diederik

    • Team meeting April 2022

    • Team meeting June 2022 (video link)

    • Team meeting August 2022 (video link)

    • Team meeting oct 2, 2022 (video link)

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    Diederik's Definitions of ACIM Terms

    • Atonement

    • Brother

    • Christ

    • Crucifixion

    • Forgiveness

    • Holy

    • Idol

    • Holy Spirit

    • Love

    • Miracle

    • Sacrifice

    • Salvation

    • Sin

    • Son of God

    • Surrender

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    Circle Facilitation Notes

    • Circle Etiquette

    • How to stop a participant from insisting on telling his story.

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    How would you tackle these scenarios?

    • Cicle Scenarios Quiz